We deliver to many place across South Gippsland & The Bass Coast. Below is a list of the postcode we current deliver to:
3996, 3995, 3992, 3991, 3956, 3953, 3954, 3956, 3957, 3958, 3959, 3960
If your postcode doesn’e appear in the above list please click here to contact us as we may be able to help.
All deliveries are done on Friday’s. Orders need to be placed by the Friday previous to ensure you get on our delivery run.
Our Meat is fresh and cryovac-packed the same week as your delivery.
We receive our deliveries on the Tuesday of the week of your delivery. We then prepare and deliver to your door.
We are located in Tarwin Lower. Unfortunately we are just a boning room without a shop front so you are not able to visit us.
All of our payments are processed securely via our website. We accept all Credit Cards including Visa, Mastercard & AMEX. We also accept payment via PayPal.